Adoption Attorneys in Houston, TX

Do you need an adoption attorney in Houston, TX? Universal Law Group can help you grow your family in a protected process that ensures you maintain your rights. Call our team today to start building your family’s future. 

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Need help bringing someone new into the family? Call us today.

Adoption is a beautiful way to grow your family. Moreover, you help to ensure children have a loving home environment. However, the adoption process is often complex.

To navigate it, you need an advocate with the experience and expertise to advise you properly. At Universal Law Group, our family law attorneys offer skilled legal counsel. From extensive personal service to empathetic guidance, we help Texas families with a variety of adoptions.

Call today for a free evaluation*.

Fill out the form or call us at 832-767-0339.

    adoption attorney houston tx

    An Adoption Lawyer Houston Can Rely On

    With an adoption lawyer, Houston’s prospective parents have someone with a keen eye for detail. Our legal team goes above and beyond to ensure your adoption complies with all Texas adoption laws.

    Whether you want to work with an adoption agency or adopt a relative, it is essential that you follow the law. At our family law firm, we handle an array of legal matters. This allows you to focus on your new family.

    International Adoption
    Private Adoption
    Stepparent Adoption

    The Importance of Adoption in Houston, TX

    There are many reasons behind prospective parents seeking an adoption. No matter the reason, when someone’s birth parents are unable to care for them, the adoption system is an opportunity for someone to take on the role of a parent.
    houston adoption lawyer

    From unfit parents and parents who simply aren’t ready to abandonment, death, and other tragic circumstances, children find themselves in need of parents. With an adoption attorney, Houston parents have someone to guide them through this complex legal process.

    At Universal Law Group, our Houston adoption lawyers represent prospective parents in a broad spectrum of circumstances. Whether you want to seek adoption after the termination of parental rights, a stepparent adoption, or international adoption, our experienced legal team is ready to help.

    To schedule your case evaluation, contact our firm today.

    Texas Adoption Laws: The Basics

    When you want to adopt in Texas, the biological parent must terminate their parental rights. Typically, this happens in one of two ways.

    1. Voluntary relinquishment
    2. Termination by the State in cases of abandonment, abuse, etc.

    Since the exact requirements vary from state to state, it’s good to work with a Houston adoption lawyer with the propensity to research your situation. Moreover, with an adoption attorney, Houston’s prospective parents have someone to answer questions about the process, requirements, their legal options, and more.

    In Texas, the Courts take the termination of parental rights quite seriously. Further, each case requires a good cause for the termination of these rights when a parent doesn’t voluntarily relinquish a child.

    Oftentimes, termination and adoption cases combine into one legal process. In this case, the courts make two determinations.

    1. The termination of a parent’s rights is in the best interest of the child.
    2. The adoption is in the best interest of the child.

    When you work with an adoption lawyer Houston trusts, you have an advocate to determine the best course for your case.

    Adoption Attorney Houston FAQ

    In Texas, the adoption process typically follows the below process.

    Pre-Adoptive Home Study

    With an adoption attorney, Houston has a guide to walk them through this process. Your adoption lawyer will explain this home study to you as it pertains to your situation.

    Typically, this is a report that a licensed social worker prepares. Through this process, they collect information that helps the Court decide whether the adoption meets the best interest of the child.

    Generally, it involves a detailed review of the prospective parents and includes the following.

    • Interview of prospective parents
    • Verification of all legal documents
    • Confirmation of their financial status
    • Criminal background check
    • Child abuse check

    Termination of Parental Rights

    For someone to adopt a child, it is essential to terminate the rights of one or both biological parents. Texas allows parents to voluntarily do this. However, it differs for the mother and father.

    • Birth mothers must wait 48 hours after birth to relinquish their rights.
    • Fathers can relinquish their parental rights at any time.

    With guidance from your adoption attorney, Houston law is much easier to navigate.

    Final Adoption

    After the termination of parental rights and completion of other requirements, a judge hears the case. When they believe the adoption meets the best interest of the child, they grant it.

    • Harris County: Many courts require a conference before the trial to ensure paperwork is in order.
    • Houston: The court assigns an ad litem or amicus attorney who ensures the adoption is in the best interest of the child.
    • An amicus attorney is someone the court appoints in a family law case.
    • The ad litem attorney is someone who provides legal counsel to someone with undivided loyalty, this includes children.

    When you work with an adoption attorney, Houston courts are far easier to work with. Local counsel offers a great deal of insight into the local court system. Moreover, our legal team strives to ensure the process is smooth.

    This is one of the most common forms of adoption in Texas. Most adoption attorneys in Houston have some experience with this type of case.

    A stepparent adoption creates a legal, permanent parent-child relationship. In the eyes of the law, the stepparent essentially becomes a biological parent. This remains true even in the event of a divorce.

    When you bring a new person into your family, it’s a blessing. With an adoption attorney, Houston families have a way to make the process smoother. For many families, adoption is one of the best decisions they make. 

    Often, people wonder about the cost of the adoption process in Texas, and this is quite common. It’s important to understand your options as you seek out advice, and our Houston adoption lawyers are always here to help. 

    State vs Private Adoptions

    Also known as “foster to adopt,” a state adoption is the more affordable form of adoption. Typically, the main costs associated with a state adoption are the fees you pay the court and for the license to adopt. Additionally, the state has many programs to offer financial assistance to adoptive parents. 

    This is a great resource for parents who have limited resources. Moreover, it’s particularly beneficial to families who already have children. 

    Alternatively, private adoptions allow a family to decide when to welcome someone into the family. In Texas, these tend to cost more. Additionally, families often have to meet the birth family beforehand, which is not required for state adoptions. 

    In a private adoption, you adopt a child based on a plan determined between the adoptive parents and birth parents. Generally, it’s a good idea to partner with a legal team to protect your best interests. With an adoption attorney Houston trusts, you have an advocate to fight for your family. 

    Typically, the private adoption costs vary with agencies. 

    Age, Background, and the Cost of Adoption in Texas

    The type of adoption you choose impacts the cost in addition to the agency you work with. However, it’s important to note that the cultural background and age of the child also have an impact on the cost. 

    Here are a few points to consider as you decide to adopt a child. 

    • Often, it costs less to adopt an older child. 
    • Infant adoptions range anywhere from $40,000-45,000, with other factors that potentially increase the costs. 
    • International adoptions are more complex and often cost more. The main factor in this instance is the home country of the child. Additionally, this process often requires travel to the child’s home country at least once. 
    • The Department of Family and Protective Services has a reimbursement option for the adoption of an older child. However, these reimbursements often carry conditions. Eligible families may also receive some monthly support from the state following the adoption.

    Adoption Fee Assistance

    In Texas, adoption can be expensive. However, there are programs that can help offset some of the costs. When you work with an adoption attorney Houston families rely on, you have someone to help you understand your options.

    For instance, many adoption agencies and non-profits offer programs and grants to adoptive parents. With a Houston adoption lawyer on your side, you have someone to guide you through these programs and determine your eligibility. 

    Partner with an Adoption Attorney Houston Trusts

    If you want to adopt a child, it’s important not to let the financial aspect distract you. At Universal Law Group, our Houston adoption attorneys are here to make the process as smooth as possible. When you work with our firm, we strive to answer all your questions and keep your best interests in mind. 

    Contact our firm today to schedule a consultation with our team. 

    universal law group

    Adoption Attorney Houston

    Your Family Law Advocates

    When in need of an adoption attorney, Houston trusts the family law attorneys at Universal Law Group. We are a team of advocates who understand the intimate nature of family matters. As such, we offer the empathy and dignity our clients need and deserve in these cases.

    When you need an experienced Houston adoption lawyer, contact our firm to schedule a free case evaluation*. We are happy to offer you the guidance you need in these complex legal processes.

    Call our firm today to schedule your free case evaluation.

    This information is not intended as legal advice and is for general information purposes only. To gain advice for any individual cases, schedule a case evaluation in Houston, Texas.

    *Consultation fees may be waived on a case by case basis and at the discretion of the reviewing attorney.